Caring for those in Need

Driving To Learn

Eddie Verratti loves movement. A student at HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Philadelphia, the 14-year-old has very limited ability to move his body and would not be a typical candidate to use a power wheelchair. Yet on a recent day, Eddie was lifted and secured into a specially-outfitted power wheelchair, and, using his head to access a switch on the chair’s headpiece, drove the chair to deliver a package from his classroom to a nearby room.

BY Rachel Ezekiel-Fishbein | May 2019 | Category: Mobility

Driving To Learn

HMS tries to give every student the experience of moving in a power chair. According to physical therapist Kate Paul, finding the optimal way for a child to access their environment in this way requires the expertise of a holistic team that can include a special education teacher, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech therapist and assistive technologist.

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