Caring for those in Need

RAISE-ing Expectations and Outcomes for Young Adults with Disabilities

Even though the disability community makes up the largest minority group in the world, it also ranks as the minority group with the highest unemployment and under-employment rates.

BY Lauren Agoratus, M.A. | October 2018 | Category: Employment & Transition

RAISE-ing Expectations and Outcomes for Young Adults with Disabilities

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2017, 18.7% of people with disabilities were employed in comparison to the 65.7% of their nondisabled counterparts. Without a job and income, people with disabilities require additional funds and services.

Further, without an income, they are limited in their ability to contribute to society through taxes, buying power, or simply using their skills and knowledge through employment. Although the nature of some disabilities may be a barrier to gaining employment, the larger issues often are a lack of information about rights, services, supports, and opportunities

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